Giulio Galiazzo
Giulio is a marketing specialist in the Digital Health world. He has been working in the digital health ecosystem since 2017. The mission: improving people's quality of life through innovation.
Women's Health: the value and the challenges of a rising market
Women’s health apps are more than a trend—they’re revolutionising digital health. But here’s the kicker: a deep dive into the top 20 Play Store apps revealed a shocking gap in data privacy, with only one app meeting standards.
Is GDPR part of the MDR? The journey to medical device compliance.
An interview about certifications, requirements, GDPR and MDR with Stefano Lai, Q&R Manager at Henesis.
Long COVID: identify the mechanisms behind the syndrome.
The EU project will conduct research dedicated to identifying and understanding these mechanisms and will simultaneously develop suitable treatment methods for patients based on the findings.
Digital Therapeutics (DTx): how to get reimbursed in the EU, UK and the US. An overview of the existing regulatory frameworks.
DTx reimbursement policies are fragmented and defined at a national level. Learn how to solve data protection and security compliance challenges to get reimbursed in the EU, UK, and the US.